Friday, September 13, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee

Hosted by: Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: It is up to you to do a Kickstarter campaign for your favorite book!!! Who are you casting for the main characters?

This is a pretty interesting question, thanks guys! I agree with what Alison said about being afraid of movies about books, especially after watching The City of Bones. Though I did not hate the movie, I for sure left there scratching my head, and wanting more! (Thankfully they are delaying the film to finish the script, and do a little re-write.)

Anyway, a book that I wouldn't mind them giving a shot at only because it would be a huge challenge is one of my favorites The Giver by Lois Lowry

Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the Community. When Jonas turns twelve, he is singled out to receive special training from The Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now, it is time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.

I can remember this book making such a huge huge huge impact on me growing up, and being so blown away by it. It shocked me and surprised me, and I think with the lack of 'inspirational' films out right now, this would be a great challenge. However...I'm not sure they could pull it off, but I certainly would help them raise money to give it a chance!

*edit* Holy cow they ARE making a film. I just realized I forgot my cast and did a search and BOOM there it is. 

My dream cast would be:

The Giver: Ian McKellen

Big surprise there right? He just rocks that beard so hard, and is such a great actor.

A few of you asked about Jonas and all I could think of was this little boy:

Jonas: Asa Butterfield


  1. Cool pick. I hear this is a great book so maybe i should give it a go. Thanks for sharing :)

    new follower via gfc, twitter

    1. It's a required read I think in our school system is the only reason I ever got the chance. I highly recommend it. I normally can read the whole thing in an hour, but man it's great.

      Let me know if you do! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

  2. This sounds really interesting! I love when you google your favorite book and find out they are actually making it into a film! My Feature & Follow Friday

  3. New GFC follower too, I forgot to add :D

  4. He couldn't be more perfect for the role. I actually really loved this book. I'm just a little sad that the series doesn't continue with the same characters.

    New GFC Follower :)

    Check out MY F&F

    1. Yeah me too, I am very sad about this, but I had this 'debby downer' in class that thought: Did Jonas just die at the end? I go back and re-read the ending both ways and just wonder.

      Thanks for the follow! I'll go check yours out!

  5. Good choice! A lot of people like this book, I might give it a try.
    New follower:)

    My FF

    1. I hope you do! It's really good and one of the first dystopian books I ever read. It made such a huge impact on me from the third grade that it has stuck with me all these years.

      Thanks for the follow! I'll go and check yours! I'm also on twitter @StarryOwlEyes


  6. I've never read this book, but I'll definitely need to give it a try!

    Thank you so much for stopping by and following. I've followed you back. I'm loving you blog! :) <3

    1. It's pretty amazing, a required read in our state's school system so I'm glad that I got the chance. I would love to know your thoughts so please blog about it if you do! <3

  7. I've heard awesome things about The Giver. I need to read it!

    New follower! My FF @ A Novel Idea by Chrissy T

    1. Thanks Chrissy! I'll go check yours out too. I totally love The Giver and highly recommend it. Let me know if you do and what you think I'd love to know your thoughts.

  8. Great pick! I haven't read the Giver in a while, but I think I'll be re-reading it soon.

    Kim @ YA Asylum

  9. Oho! My very first dystopian read and one of my favorite books of all time. Yes, Ian McKellen would be perfect as the Giver. But who's going to play Jonas?

    Old follower via GFC.

    Thoughts and Pens FF.

    1. There went and added him! <3 That little boy from Hugo. Oh man...I sure do love him.


      Thanks for the follow I am going to go read yours now.
